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Wedding DJ, London at China Boulevard for Matt and Suki
Matt and Suki were great hosts and a delightful couple to work for - Wedding DJ London once more!! They had family and guests join them...
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Wedding DJ London, for Luke and Rebecca
This was a largely home made wedding with friends and family generously giving time and resource (as well as the hard work of the couple...
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Wedding DJ, London for Scott and Caroline
Saturday was a spendid ocassion for the wedding celebration of Scott and Caroline in a garden marquee setting in the rural Surrey...
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Wedding DJ Knowle Country House Hotel, Sarah and Jo
Yesterday I DJ'ed a family wedding for Jo and Sarah at the beautiful Knowle House Country Hotel & Restaurant, a fabulous location for as...
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Wedding DJ London, The Horniman Museum, Simon and Catherine
Simon and Catherine come from two families from either end of the world. Simon's from here in England and Catherine's from Tasmania! So...
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